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Last Podcast Episode!

The last episode of the Familiar Shapes podcast launches tomorrow morning and I have all kinds of feels.

Mostly relief: UNC Charlotte's online classes started this week, and I'm already busy as heck on top of helping Quinn with his own on-line 7th-grade school work. But also ... sadness? Hopefulness? Excitement? Anxiety? Regret? Maybe just some bad kale? Who knows.

More important than my current feelings and gut responses, are all the individuals and organizations I want to thank. There are just too many to easily list in a single podcast episode, so I've made a list on the website's People page.

And I'm most grateful to everyone who's listened to the podcast, shared it with others, and encouraged me along the way. That has meant more to me than words can express. I seriously would have thrown in the towel several times if not for you all!

Finally, I've had a few conversations with friends and listeners about making a second season of the podcast. There's a lot of great possible topics, really. Latest trends in disinfo and magical history, sure, but I could definitely change direction: alchemy and biochemistry, concepts of 'good' and 'evil', magical beliefs in the contemporary the southeastern U.S, STEM researchers who are magical practitioners on the sly (yes, this is absolutely a thing!), on-line education and equity.... there are almost too many worthy topics. Wherever my next project takes me, I'm looking forward to digging back into research for a while, which is where Familiar Shapes started just four years ago.

Four years. Wow.

That's both a blink of an eye and an eternity.

Anyway, I really hope you all enjoy this last episode. I'll post again when the short film version of Familiar Shapes nears completion and thank you again, each and every one of you!

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